Annual Membership


Signature Membership - $600/year

Name listed on website, publications, social media, and/or slideshow ad for that particular event and includes a table of 8 or 8 tickets to that event. Call the office for details of the event in which you are interested.


Benefactor Membership - $500/year

Name listed on website, publications, & 2 tickets to each Pride event

Invitations to all events and updates on projects and topics of interest


Champion Membership - $400/year

Name listed on website and publications & 2 tickets to one Pride event of your choice. Invitations to all events and updates on projects and topics of interest.


Sponsor Membership - $250/year

Name listed on website and publications. Invitations to all Pride events. Updates on projects and topics of interest


Supporter Membership - $100/year

Updates on projects and topics of interest.

Pride IncorporatedAnnual Membership
Mailing Address
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